What to Look for When Choosing An SEO Agency

What to Look for When Choosing An SEO Agency

Many of the most successful businesses these days have a powerful presence online that attracts visitors to their sites who could potentially become leads and customers. Most people find these sites by using search engines to find an answer to a question or a solution to a problem. These sites can all be found by these people because of search engine optimization (SEO).

SEO is the practice of optimizing your content and every facet of your site for better search engine results to attract more visitors to your site. It is difficult to maintain an SEO strategy if you do not know what you are doing and, potentially, you can cause more harm than good without professional help. That’s why many businesses choose to work with marketing experts like those at Burg & Co. Marketing.

What to look for when choosing an SEO agency

Since there are many businesses that offer SEO services, it can be hard to know who to trust. There are a few traits to look out for and questions you need to ask when choosing an SEO agency to find the right one. To help you, we’ve listed them out below:

Look for experience — Every successful digital marketing agency can demonstrate their experience with a portfolio detailing their work or with testimonials from previous and current clients. Companies that don’t have a portfolio or list of clients or testimonials may either be new and inexperienced or may not be legitimate in the industry.

Ask about how the work is done — Be wary of faux agencies that farm their work out for cheap labor with inexperienced writers. The team that works on your site should be a carefully built and professional squad of marketing experts. Ask about who is on the team and what role each person will play in your SEO strategy.

Look for realistic results — Avoid agencies that make over-the-top promises to get you number one ranking in a week or claim to know insider secrets of Google. Look for an agency that provides realistic data and results and a long-term strategy that will pay off for years to come.

Ask about an account manager — You and the people you work with are just that… people. And you want to work with someone who will care for you and your marketing needs. Ask an agency if they provide an account manager or someone on the team who is dedicated to specifically working with your business.

Ask about what you will need to do — Agencies that claim they can handle everything and give you the results can never create content that is truly unique or compliant with your brand. A good SEO agency will need occasional input from you to produce great results that are compliant with your brand and attract lots of visitors.

Contact Burg & Co. Marketing about setting up your SEO strategy

The team members at Burg & Co. Marketing all work together to create and maintain a comprehensive digital marketing strategy for businesses like yours. Contact us today to ask us any questions about how we can help you grow your web presence and increase leads and conversion rates with an SEO strategy.



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