5 basics of checking your ranking on Google: From the marketing professionals

5 basics of checking your ranking on Google: From the marketing professionals

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Chances are that you’ve searched for at least one thing in Google this week, if not multiple searches. In most cases, you probably click on one of the first results that come up, perhaps one more after that to hedge your bets. If you’re thinking about how your customers are also utilizing search engines to find products and services like yours, they’re likely doing the same thing.

If you’re not ranking high on Google, it can be much harder to increase your customer acquisition, website traffic and conversion rates. The first organic search result on Google has a click-through rate (CTR) of more than 28%. The percentage drastically decreases further down the list, with the 10th result having a CTR of just over 2%. If you want to learn about how to check your ranking on Google, we’re here to help.

We’ll discuss what marketers suggest about checking your ranking on Google. Then we’ll discuss how to improve your ranking on Google to get your site in front of more potential customers.

5 things to know about how to check your ranking on Google

Marketing professionals, like the ones we have here at BURG+CO., have plenty of expertise in Google ranking, as SEO is a pivotal part of any marketing strategy. To improve your visibility on the search engine, you have to know where you currently rank so you know how much progress has been made.You also want to know how much further you have to go to reach the top.

When it comes to checking your ranking in Google, it refers to how soon your URL comes up on the Google search results page when a particular keyword is searched. If you’re a physical therapy clinic in Denver, you’ll likely rank higher for “Denver physical therapy clinics” than you will for “pain in cold weather,” especially without proper local SEO.

Here are five basics of how we can help you check your ranking on Google:

  • Find a free tool — The first step to checking your ranking on Google is to find a tool that will help you to do so. While there are many options available, we all know that a tool being free is the biggest selling point. There are several free Google rank checking tools used by marketers, such as The Hoth, which is powered by SEMrush. It will show you the rank of your URL for a keyword as well as related data, such as search volume.
  • Check keyword ranking changes — Beyond seeing how your URL is ranked in Google for a particular keyword, you should also be able to see how it has changed over time. The Hoth’s rank checker will alert you when your rank has either increased or decreased. By recognizing how your keyword ranking has changed, you can fine-tune your marketing strategy based on what’s working and what isn’t.
  • Take note of traffic percentage — By seeing how much traffic is driven to your site through a particular keyword, you can see how effective your title tags and meta descriptions are in driving the CTR. You can also calculate traffic growth of trending keywords by subtracting this month’s number from last month’s and multiplying it by 100. That way you can get an accurate depiction of how traffic has changed since the last report.
  • Check the competition — One of the key aspects of digital marketing is to stay on top of trending keywords to gain a competitive edge. When you’re checking your Google rank, you can see how your result differs from the ones that are ranking higher, such as their meta description or title tag.
  • Export the list for reference — A marketing strategy isn’t effective if you don’t have a way to look at how the rank results have changed from month to month. Be sure that you export the list as either a PDF or a CSV to refer back to when you’re doing your next analysis. You can see how your latest marketing efforts have had an impact on the Google result ranks to improve the optimization, and how to better target the campaigns in the future to improve your rank.

Want to attract new visitors to your website through high Google ranks? BURG+CO. can help

Increasing traffic to your website plays a role in increasing conversions and leading to new clients. However, it’s difficult to attract visitors to your site when you don’t know what to do. Fortunately, this is what we specialize in at BURG+CO.

Our team has years of experience in helping businesses improve their digital presence to attract new leads and retain existing ones. If you’re looking to perform better in search engine results and attract more visitors to your site, we’re ready to talk to you to see how we can help. Contact our team today for more information about digital marketing or to schedule a complimentary consultation.

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