5 user experience survey questions whose answers can lead to increased growth

5 user experience survey questions whose answers can lead to increased growth

You’ve done all the research. You know who your target audience is. You’ve exhaustively ferreted out their problems and pain points that your products or services can help address. Your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy has been tested and approved, and your content hits all the expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness (EAT) parameters that search engines are looking for. 

Yet your business still isn’t experiencing the level of growth it wants. 

If you find yourself in this position, it may be that your website’s user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) aren’t in line with what your potential clients are looking for. And that can be very bad for your business. It’s reported that 90% of users will leave a site simply because it is poorly designed, which will hurt your growth. The fact that nearly 90% of people will immediately go to one of your competitors’ websites if they have a bad experience on yours is an even bigger growth killer.

Fortunately, gathering information through user experience surveys and the questions on them can help. These surveys and their questions can help you determine the flaws in your UX/UI, which is the first step toward fixing them and getting your growth back on track. Here are some user experience survey questions that can be particularly helpful:

1.How would you rate the user-friendliness of our website’s interface?

This question should likely be set up with a 1-5 or 1-10 scale, and where your respondents’ answer on the scale helps you understand how user-friendly they find the site. This information alone can be valuable as it indicates if you have growth-killing UX/UI issues to address.

However, you can increase the information-gathering ability of this user experience survey question even more. You can do so by adding a follow-up question asking the respondents to briefly explain why they gave the rating they did. Their responses can help you get even closer to figuring out which UX/UI issues your site has. 

2. Considering that you’ve used our interface extensively, how likely are you to recommend it to your friends and colleagues?

This is a much more important user experience survey question than you might think, especially if, like most businesses, you plan to display your site on mobile devices. Industry research found that 57% of internet users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile to others. 

You can learn a lot about UX/UI issues that are stunting your growth by asking users who answer below a certain threshold why your site’s UX/UI isn’t likely to have them recommending you to others. 

3. What do you find most frustrating about our website?

Buttons that don’t work. Site elements that appear to be clickable but aren’t. Links that are broken. These are just examples of things people might answer in response to this UX survey question. However, the information also provides you with an opportunity to fix the issues that respondents point out and stay out of future visitors’ bad graces. 

4. How would you rate the quality of the content provided on the screen?

Let’s not forget how important content is to a business’s website and its overall growth. After all, 38% of people will stop interacting with a website if its content and/or layout are unattractive. Thus, even a visually appealing website that draws a lot of traffic might not be bringing the growth your business is expecting, and that could be because your site’s content doesn’t have the quality your potential clients are looking for. 

5. Are there any comments or suggestions that can help us improve the user experience and interface?

This final UX survey question might be the most powerful of all. It provides your respondents with the chance to tell you directly which changes they would like to see in your website’s UX/UI. And as more and more people answer this question, it’s more likely that you’ll have an increasingly clear picture of what UX/UI changes you need to make to your site. In turn, making those changes can better set your site up to be the instrument of growth that your business wants it to be.

Want to make sure that your site’s UX/UI is helping, not hurting your growth? BURG+CO. can help

Increasing traffic to your website plays a role in increasing conversions and landing new clients. However, higher traffic won’t lead to the growth you’re aiming for if your UX/UI isn’t optimized. Fortunately, this is one of the areas we specialize in at BURG+CO.

Our team has years of experience in helping businesses audit their websites’ UX/UI. We also excel at helping businesses make targeted UX/UI changes designed to improve their digital presence, attract new leads and retain existing ones. If you’re looking to perform better in search engine results, attract more visitors to your site and have the exceptional UX/UI that encourages them to become clients, we’re ready to talk to you to see how we can help. Contact our team today for more information about all the digital marketing services we offer or to schedule a complimentary consultation.

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