Tips for Using a Social Media Influencer to Promote Your Brand

Tips for Using a Social Media Influencer to Promote Your Brand

Why You May Need a Social Media Influencer

A few years ago, it wasn’t all too uncommon to find people online making jokes about social media influencers and their fake jobs. Now, in 2018, anyone who’s serious about social media marketing realizes just how important a social media influencer may be.

A social media influencer is a social media user who has a large following on social media platforms related to a specific industry or set of interests. These influences can have a major impact on the sales of a product or service if they think what your business offers would be helpful for their audience.

It’s important to research your target audience to decide whether using a social media influencer is right for your social media marketing. If you do decide a social media influencer can help your brand, below are a few tips you should keep in mind.

Three tips to consider when looking for a social media influencer

Reach out to influencers who already like you — Take a look at your follower base and find out who might be an influencer. You may be surprised at who follows you who may have a large base of followers themselves.

If you have a social media influencer who is already interested in your brand, you can reach out to them to ask for a mention or a post in exchange for a product or service.

Find an influencer who shares content related to what you offer — It does you no good to look for only the largest social media influencers if they don’t share posts that are related to what your business offers. Look for a social media influencer who has followers who are more likely to engage with your content if the influencer shares it.

Pay attention to their audience’s engagement — Check out the content that the influencer shares and how people are responding to it. Are they asking relevant questions? Are they leaving constructive comments or tagging their friends? These are elements that show that the influencer has a real, engaged fan base that may respond well to your product or service.

Talk to Burg & Co. about your social media marketing strategy

Social media influencers may or may not be right for your business, but regardless of whether you use an influencer, you can always benefit from social media marketing. Contact us today to find out how we can help you create a social media marketing strategy to help attract more followers to your business and increase your leads and customers.

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