Three Social Media Marketing Tips for Engagement

Three Social Media Marketing Tips for Engagement

By this point in time, you’re most likely aware that people love social media. Maintaining a presence for your business on platforms like Facebook or Twitter provides more avenues for your clients and potential clients to connect with you.

You probably do fine on your personal social media accounts staying connected with your friends, but representing your business from its account may be a bit more daunting.

At Burg & Co. Marketing, we can help you improve your social media marketing with campaigns aimed at increasing your traffic and revenue. However, there are three steps you can take on your own right now to improve your social media presence.

1. Let your brand be itself

Clients associate many thoughts and images with a specific business when they hear its name or come across it online. Your business brand is important to your identity and your relationship with your customers.

On social media platforms, it’s important to maintain your brand’s voice. Your posts, pictures, updates, etc. need to be consistent with your brand. If more than one team member operates your business’s social media accounts, make sure everyone is on the same page with branding guidelines.

Consistency with your brand helps customers know who you are, what you stand for and what they can expect from.

2. Keep posting high-quality content

Some people think that posting large quantities of content helps drive your viewership, but this actually depends on the quality of your content. Take the time to create something that is worth value to your social media audience.

Content that is more quality-driven tends to attract more attention, meaning that the next time you post something, it is more likely to show up on your audience’s feeds.

3. Dial up your dialogue

One feature that’s easy to forget about maintaining your business’s social media accounts is that these platforms are for more than marketing. Most people are on social media to connect with friends and follow topics that interest them. Nobody is online looking to get barraged by advertising.

The content you post should not just be about your products and services, but about topics in general that interest your target audience.

Furthermore, you should engage in dialogue with your audience. Respond to comments. Address concerns. Share posts that you feel reflect your brand. This is an easily-accessible communication ground that can give you a lot of leverage in building up your brand with your audience.

Burg & Co. creates social media-savvy campaigns to increase your revenue

We have years of experience in developing successful digital marketing strategies for a variety of clients. If you would like to grow your business by improving your social media marketing, PPC, content marketing, SEO and more, contact us today.

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