The basics of digital content marketing

The basics of digital content marketing

Content marketing can be an essential tool for the growth of your business. There are many different forms of marketing, from billboards and magazine ads to radio spots and business cards. And those aren’t even the ones that take advantage of the technology we use every day.

It’s impossible to think about marketing in the 21st century without thinking about the internet. That’s why the importance of digital content marketing shouldn’t be underestimated. By learning about the ins and outs of digital content marketing, you can strategize the best courses of action that will support your goals.

We’ll talk about what digital content marketing means as well as how it can benefit your business.

Defining digital content marketing

So what exactly is digital content marketing? It’s a marketing strategy that involves creating and distributing content online that appeals to your business’s target demographic.

Due to the dependency that most people have on using digital means for information, entertainment and communication, it’s a pillar for many marketing strategies used by businesses. Approximately 90% of marketers utilize content in their marketing strategy, with many spending up to 10% of their marketing budget on creating and publishing content.

There’s a wide variety of distribution channels that count as digital content, including:

  • Blog posts
  • Social media
  • Podcasts
  • E-books
  • Infographics
  • Videos
  • Webinars
  • Newsletters
  • Email

The goals of digital content marketing

So why is digital content marketing so important? There are many ways that using digital content can help you move your bottom line and help grow your business. It plays a vital role in many aspects of your strategy, especially search engine optimization (SEO). Without having effective, high-quality content that piques people’s interest, it’s difficult to rank high on search engine result pages for relevant keywords.

Here are a few different ways that digital content can help you:

  • Increases brand awareness — The point of marketing is to get your name out there to people who would benefit from your product or service. With the right digital content, such as creative social media posts and interesting podcasts, people can become aware of your brand so that you stay on their mind when they’re in need of what you have to offer. For example, if you create an eye-catching reel on Instagram showcasing your new line of kitchen utensils, it’s more likely that they’ll think of you when their spatula breaks. 
  • Boosts engagement — You don’t want people to just glance at your content and move on. The right digital content marketing strategy will encourage people to actively engage with what you’re creating, leading to conversions and website traffic. Search engines want to see that people are intrigued enough by your content that they are interacting with it and deepening their connection with your brand. This can mean everything from sharing your blog posts on their Facebook page to commenting on a YouTube video.
  • Improves lead generation — All marketing has an end goal: revenue. When it comes to digital marketing, revenue comes from generating qualified leads through your website. With digital content, you can target the right demographic that will benefit from your product or service. For instance, if you’re a healthcare clinic, blog posts about children’s viral infections will increase the likelihood of a parent filling out a new patient form when they think their child is showing those symptoms.
  • Increases authority — When trying to build a connection with a potential or current customer, trust is essential. Digital content is often used as a way to provide solutions for people’s problems, allowing them to see you as an expert they can trust. If you provide accounting services, creating content about how to improve a budget or save money with a big family can showcase your expertise while appealing to a concern. 

At BURG+CO., our content marketing services help you reach your business goals by improving your digital presence with high-quality blogs and videos. We’ll also track the analytics of these efforts to see what tweaks need to be made, such as SEO rankings, lead generation and engagement.

Want to attract new visitors to your website with digital content marketing? BURG+CO. can help

Increasing traffic to your website plays a role in increasing conversions and leading to new clients. However, it’s difficult to attract visitors to your site when you don’t know what to do. Fortunately, this is what we specialize in at BURG+CO.

Our team has years of experience in helping businesses improve their digital presence to attract new leads and retain existing ones. If you’re looking to perform better in search engine results and attract more visitors to your site, we’re ready to talk to you to see how we can help. Contact our team today for more information about digital marketing or to schedule a complimentary consultation.

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