How to do Facebook Ads — four things you should know

How to do Facebook Ads — four things you should know

With a projected 2020 market share of approximately 19% of all digital advertising revenue, Facebook Ads is the No. 2 digital advertising platform after Google by a wide margin. Even as new players like Amazon enter the market, it is still expected for Google and Facebook to remain an effective duoply in the sector. This means that businesses that engage in digital advertising should take Facebook seriously if they aren’t already running ads.

Not only do their ads get you in front of millions of eyes, but the nature of the social media giant gives you an unparalleled ability to run highly segmented data-driven campaigns for targeted audiences. 

If jumping into Facebook Ads seems intimidating, you’re not alone. Many businesses and organizations, even those experienced in digital advertising, turn to experts for guidance in this area. To help you learn the basics of getting started in Facebook Ads, please take some time to review the following guide. 

Information to help you get started with Facebook Ads

While there are many specific nuances that go with running digital ads on a social media platform like Facebook, the overall basics are actually quite similar to other advertising platforms. The primary steps include: 

  1. Determining the purpose and goals for your ad — Whether you’re looking to drive sales, generate leads or just drive traffic to build interest in your brand, these can all have an impact on the campaign you’re going to run. Likewise, it can be helpful to quantify what your specific goals and outcomes are before starting. 
  2. Building your audience — Facebook Ads offers users the ability to target incredibly specific audience profiles, including age, gender, location and interests. This can allow for a wide variety of segmentation and testing to determine how effective your messaging is. 
  3. Developing your ad — The Facebook Ads platform offers an array of ad formats, from simple image ads to video ads and more story-driven carousel ads. The right type for your campaign will often depend on factors including your budget, goals and target audience. 
  4. Collecting data and analyzing your campaign — Like other digital platforms, advertising on Facebook is not a static process. Even if a campaign doesn’t yield the results you are looking for, you will still have a treasure trove of data to sift through. Through trial and error many businesses are able to eventually build powerhouse campaigns that drive results.

By taking a careful and diligent approach to Facebook Ads, businesses can diversify their digital marketing portfolio.

Work with proven experts in digital marketing and advertising

Burg & Co. has extensive experience in the full range of digital channels, from pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to social media marketing, making us the perfect partner for anyone looking to get started with Facebook Ads. We’ll help guide you along every step of the way while running campaigns that are custom-tailored for your brand and offer a return on your marketing investment. 
Contact us today for more information and to schedule a free marketing consultation with us.

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