How SEO helps you attract new patients to your clinic

How SEO helps you attract new patients to your clinic

In order for a health care clinic to stay open and continue serving people who need help, people need to know about it in the first place. If you own or are in charge of managing a health care clinic and you need to attract more patients to keep your doors open, you should be investing in search engine optimization (SEO).

SEO is the practice of optimizing your site to perform well in search engine results pages (SERPs) so that it is more likely that a search engine user will visit your site and become a potential lead and client. As you can imagine, optimizing your performance takes some time and hard work, but in the end, it pays off more than other forms of marketing, and you can easily track its results to see exactly what’s working and what’s not.

How SEO helps you attract new patients

A lot goes into a well-rounded SEO strategy, but you can boil it all down into three essential tactics:

  1. Relevant keywords ⁠— A keyword phrase is a phrase that signals to search engines what your page’s content is about. You should research keyword phrases and use phrases that are relevant to your services and to queries that users are entering into search engines.

For the most part, it’s better to use what are known as long-tail keywords. These are more detailed search phrases that might not get as many entries as a broad phrase, but are more likely to attract the right target audience with less competition. For example, instead of optimizing a page for the keyword “health care,” you could try “health care clinics for children” or whatever may be relevant to your specialties.

  1. Relevant content ⁠— In addition to relevant keywords, you must have quality content as well. Search engine crawlers are constantly getting better at sorting through content to determine whether it is helpful or if it is a bunch of fluff stuffed with a keyword phrase.

Your content should be informative, educational and/or entertaining. It should be relevant to the interests of your target audience, and it should be relevant to the keyword phrase you’re optimizing for.

By creating relevant content on a regular basis, you can build up a base for pages to rank in SERPs and attract new potential leads and patients.

  1. User-friendliness ⁠— Great content is the bedrock of any SEO strategy, but it can only work so well if your site itself does not. Sites that are slow, confusing or not optimized for mobile performance tend to drive visitors away, resulting in lower SERP ranking. You’ll want to make sure that your site loads quickly, is easy to navigate and works on mobile devices if you want it to perform well. 

A combined effort of these three essential tactics can see you well on your way to building your brand’s search value and performing better on SERPs.

Contact Burg & Co. today about helping you attract new patients with SEO

Starting and maintaining an SEO strategy to attract new patients can take a lot of work. When you already have so much on your plate to deal with, it’s hard to imagine adding another responsibility. Instead, why don’t you let us handle it?

Our team can work closely with yours to learn your brand’s goals, image and voice to develop and maintain an ongoing SEO strategy to help you perform better on digital platforms. Are you ready to get started? Contact our team today for more information about SEO or to schedule a complimentary consultation.

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