Like any part of your digital marketing strategy, SEO is not an area where you should just wing it and hope for the best. You need a clear and established SEO process to succeed.
While Google and other search engines are notoriously secretive about the specifics of their search algorithms, they are straightforward about the best practices that any webmaster should be putting into place.
To help you have a clearer picture of what a successful SEO process looks like, we’re sharing the following five-step overview. Many of the most successful organizations use a partner to establish and execute their process, and this guide can help you better determine the best call for you.
Five steps to a solid SEO process
A good SEO process should include:
- Identify your audience — Determining your target audience will give your SEO process focus. Based on the demographics of your customers, you can segment your audience into easily understandable profiles.
- Find out what they’re searching for — The goal of your keyword research should be to find the overlap between what your target audience searches for and what the high volume and high conversion searches are in your industry.
- Target those searches with a content plan — The next step in your SEO process is to develop a steady stream of high quality that is relevant and helpful to your target audience. Good content needs to answer their query in a meaningful way and demonstrate how your business can help.
- Have a user-friendly website — A functional website is a fundamental that no SEO process should overlook. Search engines check for factors like loading speed, a clean and usable design, a good experience on mobile devices and many other factors. If you have good content on a poorly designed website, it will hurt your rankings.
- Collect data, analyze it and make adjustments — No one develops a perfect SEO process right out of the gate, which is why continuous improvement is possibly the most important step. By reviewing your site’s performance, seeing what isn’t working and doubling down on what is, you can make the adjustments that can truly lead to better return on your SEO investment.
Burg & Co. Marketing — your SEO process partner
Most businesses are strapped for time as it is. By leveraging the knowledge, expertise and resources of a dedicated digital marketing partner, you can focus on the business fundamentals that you need to. Want to learn how we can establish winning SEO processes that can be integrated with other digital channels, including pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing and content marketing? Contact us today for your free marketing consultation.