Does content design really matter for SEO?

Does content design really matter for SEO?

There are two things that can steer potential customers away from your content: being boring and being unhelpful. Content should not only look good, but it should also provide the information that the user is looking for. There’s nothing worse than trying to find a solution to an issue, such as how to figure out your next vacation spot, only to click on an unformatted post about the history of tourism.

Content design means creating the type of content that your users are looking for in a way that resonates with them. When it comes to your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy, it’s important to learn why content design should be a critical part of your marketing efforts.

We’ll start off by talking about what content design is. Then, we’ll dive into the role that it plays in helping you boost your SEO efforts.

What you need to know about content design

Content design refers to organizing information and graphics for content that caters to the user. The goal is to use data and research about the target audience to determine the best way to communicate the content.

Content design includes everything from text and images to maps and videos. When done strategically, the right design can help the performance of your content by making sure that the content is:

  • Engaging with the right readers
  • Organized and formatted in an easy-to-understand way
  • Aesthetically pleasing
  • Cohesive with the brand’s tone and personality

At BURG+CO., our content creation services help you reach your customers at every part of their user journey that leads to conversion. That means prioritizing content design to ensure that it’s helping you reach your marketing goals. Basically, we help make sure that your content goes beyond “just fine.” We make sure it has all the content design elements you need to boost its performance and contribute to your marketing success.

How content design impacts your SEO performance

Having content that’s organized, informative and aesthetically pleasing should always be a priority because those are what draws in the right users. But the benefits of effective design actually go beyond simply having quality content.

One of the main contributing factors to SEO is user experience. If the search engine algorithm sees that your content is accessible, easy to navigate and provides value to the user, the algorithm will increase your ranking on relevant search engine result pages (SERPs).

Content design impacts the user experience of SEO with:

  • Relevancy — Content design makes sure that the user gets the information they’re looking for in a way that’s impactful. With the research that comes with the process of designing content, you can determine what your target users are trying to learn about and how they can be most receptive to it. Search engines look to boost the rankings of content that’s relevant and useful to users.
  • Usability — As you can probably imagine, there can’t be much of a positive user experience without usability, which is a pillar of content design. Content that’s easy to use means that the user can read it from beginning to end without issue. The intent of the information is clear and it’s easy to understand, such as having accessible language. It also means that users are able to interact with the different elements of the content, such as hyperlinks, videos and polls.
  • Engagement — If a user is enjoying your content, they are likely to engage with it in some way. This can mean everything from sharing your blog post on social media to clicking through the call to action. When users are able to engage with your content due to its design, it boosts their user experience and shows the search engine algorithms that your content achieved its goal of resonating with users.

Want to attract new visitors to your website with effective content design? BURG+CO. can help

Increasing traffic to your website plays a role in increasing conversions and leading to new clients. However, it’s difficult to attract visitors to your site when you don’t know what to do. Fortunately, this is what we specialize in at BURG+CO.

Our team has years of experience in helping businesses improve their digital presence to attract new leads and retain existing ones. If you’re looking to perform better in search engine results and attract more visitors to your site, we’re ready to talk to you to see how we can help. Contact our team today for more information about digital marketing or to schedule a complimentary consultation.

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