4 common SEO marketing tactics that can still boost your traffic in 2022

4 common SEO marketing tactics that can still boost your traffic in 2022

Four Common Marketing Tactics Are

If you pay any attention to search engine optimization (SEO) marketing tactics, you’ll probably know some of the new ones that are growing in importance. For instance, many SEO marketing professionals are predicting a huge increase in artificial intelligence (AI) usage, such as Google’s RankBrain algorithm

New SEO marketing tactics can bring many benefits to digital marketers and their clients. However, there are still common SEO marketing tactics that can still supercharge your site traffic numbers in 2022. Here are four such tactics: 

1. Finding effective keywords.

There are plenty of articles out there talking about the death of the keyword in SEO marketing. Yet the truth is, keywords are far from dead. As long as people are typing things into search engines, keywords will have some role to play in SEO circles. 

There are several ways that you can find effective keywords in 2022. One excellent option is to invest in a subscription to services like Moz or SEMRUSH. Such services can help you explore highly searched keywords that you can easily rank for. However, you can still find high-quality keywords on your own, too. One way to do so is to search a specific topic in Google and look at the list of related searches. This list includes long-tail keywords that Google knows people have been looking for. 

2. Exploring search results. 

New to a specific topic? Everyone was at some point, but a little research can help you get started. Start by typing the topic into a search engine. Then, take a look at the top three to five search results that come up and ask yourself some of these questions: 

  • What information do these results include? 
  • What type of content are they? Infographics? Blogs? White papers?
  • What areas do these results not cover?
  • How long is the content presented by the top results?

Answering these questions can help you build a picture of the types of content you’ll need to create to rank highly for the keyword you’re targeting. 

3. Crafting your content carefully.

You can find a stellar keyword and build a crystal-clear picture of the type of content you need to create. Yet that work can all be in vain if your content isn’t carefully crafted. There are several features that carefully crafted SEO content has. 

First, it has a Goldilocks level of keyword usage: A level that’s just right. Generally, this means that your primary keyword is between 1% to 2% of the total words used in the content. 

Second, the content should include secondary keywords, too. For instance, a blog post with the primary keyword “How to make homemade strawberry syrup” might also include secondary keywords like “Best fruits for homemade syrups” or “Homemade syrup flavors.” 

Third, carefully crafted SEO content avoids being penalized by search engines for keyword stuffing, or cramming as many relevant keywords as possible into your content. 

4. Building relationships.

Surprised that building relationships is in our list of four common SEO marketing tactics? Well, you won’t be when you hear more about this tactic. The reason relationship building is a desirable SEO tactic is that it can help you increase backlinking to your site and content. 

Backlinking or inbound linking is when other websites place links to your website or content on their webpages or content. Search engines see this type of linking as evidence that you are an authority on a specific topic or area. 

Building relationships with people and businesses that also have authority and credibility in your area or a related area can help you build up your backlinking game. For instance, you could connect with a person who is highly engaged and authoritative in your area — an influencer. Such individuals can make excellent guest posters and help get the word out about your products or services. You could also do an exchange of guest postings on the sites of other businesses that you’re partnered with. 

Want to find the right SEO tactics for your business? BURG+CO. can help

Increasing traffic to your website plays a role in increasing conversions and bringing in new clients. However, it’s difficult to attract visitors to your site when you don’t know what to do. Fortunately, BURG+CO. specializes in specific digital marketing services that can help. 

Our team has years of experience in helping businesses improve their digital presence to attract new leads and retain existing ones. If you’re looking to perform better in search engine results and attract more visitors to your site, we’re ready to talk to you to see how we can help. Contact our team today for more information about all our digital marketing services or to schedule a complimentary consultation.

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