Make your private practice stand out online with a digital marketing strategy

Make your private practice stand out online with a digital marketing strategy

Opening a private practice is a milestone in many physicians’ careers, but there is one challenging aspect to it that is out of most physicians’ area of expertise: marketing. Especially marketing online.

With so many other practices out there for patients to find, you’re probably wondering how you can make your private practice stand out online. We’re here to help with a few tips for improving your digital marketing strategy so your practice can stand out:

Have a great website

It might seem obvious, but this is where it all starts. Many people want an SEO (search engine optimization) company to come in and wave a magic wand and help them get more patients, but it doesn’t work this way. Your SEO strategy can only work so well if your website itself loads slowly, is hard to navigate or doesn’t open on mobile devices.

Start by making a fast, simple-to-use website that is mobile friendly to improve your brand’s web presence and stand out from the competition.

Maintain an SEO strategy

You’ve probably come across the term “SEO” a few times when researching marketing ideas. That’s because it’s one of the most effective ways to reach and connect with your target audience, all while allowing you to track your efforts and update your strategy on the fly.

SEO requires an ongoing strategy with constant relevant content that your target audience will respond to, leading them to visit your site and likely convert into leads. You may need help from an SEO company like Burg & Co. to maintain your SEO strategy. 

Keep in mind, never trust companies that promise you top Google results in days. This is unrealistic and will likely include the use of tactics that will give you a boost at first but will quickly be penalized by Google. Instead, look for someone to partner with (again, like Burg & Co.) who will provide realistic results in a more realistic time frame of three to six months.

Share helpful information on social media

Make sure your brand has a profile on various social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Then, make sure you’re active on these platforms and regularly engage with your followers.

Avoid the mistake of using these platforms solely for posing ads about your brand. Followers easily tune out this billboard style of marketing. Instead, connect with your followers, respond to their comments, and share helpful articles, infographics or videos. This will go further in keeping your followers engaged and spreading your brand image than simply posting a bunch of ads.

Share testimonials and encourage reviews

If your patients are satisfied with the service you provide, ask them if they’d be willing to share a testimonial or leave a review. 

You can create video testimonials of patient success stories that you can share online if a patient is willing. If they don’t want to be in a video, ask them if they’d be willing to share a quick sentence or two you can use in a written testimonial.

Ask them to leave a review after their appointment. You can make this easy for them by having a device they can access review platforms easily from in your clinic or by sending a follow-up email with links.

Burg & Co. can be your partner for improving your digital marketing strategy

It’s hard to find time to maintain a digital marketing strategy when you already have so much on your plate. That’s why you can count on a partner like Burg & Co. to get to know your brand, its values and its goals to develop and maintain a digital marketing strategy that works for you. 

Are you ready to talk to someone about improving your practice’s web presence, so you can focus more on treating your patients and less on how to attract new ones? Contact our team today for more information about digital marketing or to schedule a complimentary consultation.

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