Four common PPC advertising mistakes you need to avoid

Four common PPC advertising mistakes you need to avoid

ppc advertising

One of the biggest hurdles for many inexperienced digital marketers is navigating pay-per-click (PPC) advertising without blowing through the budget quickly. This is a shame because, when used correctly, PPC advertising is one of the most effective ways to generate brand recognition, traffic and conversions.

We want to help you get started with your PPC campaign on the right foot, so we’ve put together a list of four PPC advertising mistakes every marketer needs to avoid.

Four PPC advertising mistakes you need to avoid

  1. Inaccurate tracking — Marketers have several means of tracking conversions, such as using Google Analytics, call tracking and Salesforce. However, because there are so many ways marketers track conversions, it gets easily cluttered, which can make it hard to determine how you want to adjust your bidding strategy with your PPC campaign.
    Regularly check your conversions to ensure that you’re not tracking anything outdated or irrelevant.
  2. Inaccurate geotargeting — When setting up your ads, Google gives you the option to geotarget where you’d like your ads to display. However, it’s important to explore the “location options” feature as well after entering your location. For example, if you enter the United States as your location, you’ll notice under location options that this includes people who are interested in the United States, not just those in it. However, you can change it to those who are actually in the United States in these options if you desire.
  3. Lazy keyword management — A few broad keyword phrases for your ads is not enough. You need to leverage medium- and long-tail keyword phrases that will be more likely to attract the interest of a relevant audience who is more ready to convert.
    Also, if your ads are displaying for search terms you do not wish to use, you can list them as negative keywords. This helps you avoid wasting your budget on clicks from an audience who is less likely to convert.
  4. Overlooking trends — Many PPC advertisers use automated bidding. This is helpful because Google will automatically adjust bids for you within your specified parameters. However, when relying too heavily on automated bids, you may miss out on regional trends that warrant a shift in your bidding strategy.
    Keep up with trends in your area or with your competitors to get a feel for how you may need to adjust your strategy.

Want to attract new visitors to your website? Burg & Co. can help

Increasing traffic to your website plays a role in increasing conversions and leading to new clients. However, it’s difficult to attract visitors to your site when you don’t know what to do. Fortunately, this is what we specialize in at Burg & Co.

Our team has years of experience in helping businesses improve their digital presence to attract new leads and retain existing ones. If you’re looking to perform better in search engine results and attract more visitors to your site, we’re ready to talk to you to see how we can help. Contact our team today for more information about digital marketing or to schedule a complimentary consultation.

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